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Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Secret Law of Attraction - 3 Easy Tips You Can Apply Now to Make the Law Work

The Secret Law of Attraction - 3 Easy Tips You Can Apply Now to Make the Law Work

Koh Larn

We all know what the law of attraction is and what it can bring to us in our lives. However, very often people think that the law of attraction is simply some pretense new age strategy that doesn't work. Some people ask "how is it that just by thinking I can get what I want?"

Herein lies one of the biggest misconceptions about the law of attraction. People think that by thinking positive and not taking action, they will be able to manifest what they want in their lives just like that. This is incorrect.

For the law to work, one not only has to "think" he also has to "act" on these thoughts.

But how exactly should one think and act then?

Here are some tips that you can apply to help make the secret law of attraction work better for you:

Be Specific On What You Want

Attracting anything in your life would be far easier if you knew specifically what you want. This will give you the direction you need in order to achieve the objective you set out for. If you want more money in your life, don't just tell the universe that you want more money. Tell the universe exactly how much you want, if its a hundred thousand, make sure you have it specified.

Take Action

This is the portion that most people have a misunderstanding of. The things you want in your life will not appear just like magic. You have to work them out and take the relevant action towards where you want to go. Since you already know specifically what you want, then you have to take the appropriate action towards it achievement.

Train Yourself To See Opportunity

Once you begin to take action, you will realise that magical things will happen to you. The universe will bend itself backwards to an individual committed to achieving his means, and will from time to time, drop little opportunities for you to take up. And at this point of time, it really is up to you whether you want to take up the opportunity or not. You must therefore train yourself to keep a look out for these opportunities, and when they present themselves to you, jump on them!

Alright, we have covered some of the best things you can do to make the law of attraction work far more in your favour. I hope you take massive action on the things that you have learnt here, be specific on what you want and jump on opportunities when you see it, you can move mountains!


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